To educate, support and encourage women who struggle with their weight by focusing on metabolic health and blood sugar balance so they can ditch the diet culture, create sustainable nutrition habits and reclaim themselves by finding total food freedom.
I am a faith filled Christian, Wife , Mother of two daughters and dog mom. I practice out of the beautiful sunny state of Florida and see clients virtually and in person. I graduated from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) with a focus on metabolic health and blood sugar balance and I took my 200hr Vinyasa Yoga teacher training and restorative training with Living In Flow. During my yoga teacher training we took a body positive course and had all-inclusive training to prepare us to make our classes accessible to every-body. Yoga for me is movement medicine. I have been practicing yoga consistently for 5 years and it is an important part of who I am today, It has opened the door to all things wellness for me. Living life to its fullest capacity and feeling the best I have ever felt mentally, physically, spiritually and nutritionally. I feel very passionate about helping women through their wellness journeys while educating, guiding and supporting them. My wellness journey started after having kids to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. At that point in my life, I didn’t know really where to being. I heard so much advice from friends on where to start, like don't eat and go for a run. I started logging my food in my fitness pal and going to the gym multiple times a week. I was starving and working out like I was training for a marathon! I finally lost all the weight. A total of 35 pounds! I continued to log my food but I noticed the scale going back up. I didn't know why! I went to the DR. and found out I threw myself into a hormone imbalance. With the hormone imbalance came weight gain (no matter how much or how little I ate, or worked out ) AND anxiety. I gained all the weight back from not fueling my body properly with nutrient dense foods and not enough calories. Then during my schooling with IIN I learned about blood sugar balance and how High levels of insulin and glucose in the bloodstream can signal to the body to convert excess glucose to fat for long term storage. I started applying that concept of keeping my blood sugar balanced and it worked! This changed my whole way of thinking, my relationship with food and I wasn’t starving all the time. I am so passionate about this because I have lived it. I am here to help you get through this! You are not broken, you can lose the weight for good and I can help.
women's lives changed